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(Natural News)
Former White House “Coronavirus Response” guru Dr. Scott Atlas has written a new memoir in which he criticizes Tony Fauci, Deborah Birx and former CDC Director Robert Redfield for refusing to look at his scientific data during the early days of the plandemic.

Fox News Digital obtained an advance copy of the book, entitled “A Plague Upon Our House,” which contains studies and data from Atlas suggesting that schools should have been reopened a whole lot sooner because children are not prone to contracting or spreading the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Fauci and the others ignored all of this information and pressed on with their plandemic agenda, which is still tearing apart society to this very day with no end in sight. (RELATED: Atlas has also warned that science killed itself over covid.)

“As I finished, there was silence,” Atlas recalls about when he presented his information to Fauci et al.

“No one offered any contrary data. No one spoke of scientific studies. No one even mentioned the discredited Korea study. Zero comments from Dr. Birx. Nothing from Dr. Fauci. And as always, not a single mention by Birx or Fauci about the serious harms of school closures. In my mind, this was bizarre. Why was I the only one in the room with detailed knowledge of the literature? Why was I the only one considering the data on such an important topic with a critical eye? Were the others simply accepting bottom lines and conclusions, without any analytical evaluation? Weren’t they supposed to be expert medical scientists, too? I waited.”

Birx did respond to Atlas at one point, only to say that his data and science were “out of the mainstream.” She also accused him of being part of a “fringe” group of people who believe that schools should be reopened.

Nothing about the plandemic is based in science

Birx went on, Atlas says, to claim that “all experts agreed with her.” Meanwhile, Atlas was left shaking his head because numerous world-class epidemiologists, including John Ioannidis, Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Killdorff, Carl Heneghan and Sunetra Gupta all agreed with him.

Atlas persisted in trying to explain the numbers that children are not at risk of infection and especially not death from the Chinese Virus, citing statistics from New York City, California and elsewhere. He also pointed to data from Sweden showing zero deaths despite schools there never being closed and never having mask mandates.

“The icing on the cake was the evidence that almost all coronavirus transmission to children comes from adults, not the other way around,” Atlas notes in his book.

“That was not a predicate for opening schools, given the massive harms to kids if they were closed. But that evidence was already shown by contact tracing and other studies in Iceland, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Switzerland, and elsewhere. Opened schools and childcare centers did not show significant dangers to children, adults, or teachers … They found zero instances of a child passing the infection to an adult.”

In response to all this, Redfield, Atlas says, simply shrugged it off and said that “the jury is still out.” This left Atlas “disgusted,” especially since nobody else in the room at the time seemed to take any issue with Redfield’s lack of knowledge, ignorance and incompetence on the matter.

Birx also tried to “rewrite history” in a recent testimony before Congress, which Atlas described as “Orwellian.” She falsely claimed before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis that officials in the Trump White House did not take steps to push mask mandates, social distancing and other measures.

The latest news about the Chinese Virus can be found at Pandemic.news.

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