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(Natural News)
Arizona’s Maricopa County has recently become a battleground for election integrity due to the ongoing audit there. In light of this, journalist and podcast host Ann Vandersteel headed to the Arizona State Capitol to talk about what has transpired there as of writing. She tackled the election audit during the Sept. 28 edition of her show Steel Truth on Brighteon.TV alongside her guests.

Vandersteel says: “So much history is being made right here in the state capitol of Arizona. Who knew the most corrupt county in the country would be playing out in real time? The drama is absolutely high, the suspense is epic. But you know what, America? This is how We The People get [things] done.” She adds that the domino in the state capitol in Phoenix will “tip the rest of the country to do the right thing.”

Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake then shares her thoughts about the election audit with Vandersteel. The erstwhile news anchor turned Republican candidate remarks mainstream media’s refusal to acknowledge the audit’s findings that suggest evidence of widespread fraud.

“The corrupt media never does the right thing and they always tell half-truths, which [is] really a fancy word for lies. They have the attention span of a gnat, that they weren’t able to listen to what came out of the report and bring the facts to the people,” Lake says.

“What we found was that … [President] Joe Biden ‘won’ if you’re counting … hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes,” Lake adds. “So they put the half-truth in there. Joe Biden ‘won,’ but they left out ‘if you count … maybe hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes.’”

Vandersteel agrees with this, comparing it to being given $100 in $20 bills but with the $20 bills being counterfeit.

“Obviously, state laws … [and] election laws were broken,” Lake adds. “There was no way that this could have even been certified with what we knew, yet it was certified by our secretary of state and our governor. They said it was a ‘perfect election’ – but it was a shoddy, shaky [and] fraudulent election and we all know that.” (Related: Jeff and Shady criticize mainstream media for trying to condition the minds of Americans ahead of Arizona’s election audit – Brighteon.TV.)

Vandersteel also touches on “Sharpiegate”

Vandersteel also touches on the Sharpiegate issue in her program. The matter involves Arizona residents claiming that the use of Sharpie permanent markers has resulted in the ink bleeding through and damaging ballots. Maricopa County residents whose ballots were invalidated by the use of Sharpie markers have taken the county to court as a result, Fox News reports.

Entrepreneur Jovan Hutton Pulitzer then introduces the concept of kinematics to Vandersteel and relates its role to the ongoing audit. He says: “Kinematic artifact detection basically means looking at the physical evidence [and] the historical evidence of the vote that is the ballot. If you look at the paper, then you can understand what happened.”

Pulitzer reiterates that kinematic analysis looks at the ballots alone, not the counting machine. “You can always manipulate the machine, so we look at the paper. You’re looking at the physical to determine what happened in the virtual,” he says.

The entrepreneur also points out that there have been more than 10,000 duplicate votes cast, a fact which is in the audit summary. According to Pulitzer, the fraudulent votes often have the same name, phone number, address – but with a different voter ID. “Not only did they vote multiple times, but they [also] voted across different precincts [and] different counties. That’s where the crimes occur,” he adds. (Related: Patrick Byrne talks election fraud with Clay Clark – Brighteon.TV.)

Pulitzer tells Vandersteel that kinematics helps expose crimes, with him using it to “expose one of the cons that Arizona put in place to help this [fraud] occur.” He notes that prior to the 2020 presidential elections, Sharpie markers were forbidden as their ink bled through the paper and rendered the ballot invalid.

Arizona State Secretary Katie Hobbs then makes a special announcement. She says that the state will print its ballots on a special paper optimized for Sharpie markers for the upcoming election, ostensibly to avoid ink bleed-throughs. Aside from this, the ballots’ columns would be moved to prevent any ink bleeding through from touching other spots.

However, Arizona purportedly had different plans when Nov. 3, 2020, arrived. The new ballots have not been printed on the special paper, and they have been printed without the calibrations – moving the columns to their old spots. Sharpies have also been passed to voters, rendering their votes uncountable in the machines and leading to the fiasco in Arizona.

Click here to watch the full Sept. 28 episode of “Steel Truth” with guests Kari Lake, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer and Joe Oltmann. “Steel Truth” airs Mondays to Fridays, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern time, on Brighteon.TV.

VoteFraud.news has more about the ongoing election audit in Arizona.

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