A A+ A++

From John Masefield & me to You ??A.K.?? with love…

The Racer

I saw the racer coming to the jump,
Staring with fiery eyeballs as she rusht,
I heard the blood within her body thump,
I saw her launch, I heard the toppings crusht.

And as she landed I beheld her soul
Kindle, because, in front, she saw the Straight
With all its thousands roaring at the goal,
She laughed, she took the moment for her mate.

Would that the passionate moods on which we ride
Might kindle thus to oneness with the will;
Would we might see the end to which we stride,
And feel, not strain, in struggle, only thrill.

And laugh like her and know in all our nerves
Beauty, the spirit, scattering dust and turves.

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