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It was corny but also extremely logical. Other US Presidents with Irish roots such as Kennedy, Reagan and Obama, visited Ireland the year before re-election contests. With 30 million Irish-Americans, a three-day holiday in the Green Island was the smart thing to do.

US President Joe Biden’s recent worldwind visit to Ireland was remarkable for various reasons. It began when he landed in Belfast where he was met by the British PM Rishi Sunak to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement which put an end to decades of sectarian violence in Northern Ireland.

Downing Street was forced to deny a New York Times report that the White House had scaled back Biden’s meeting with Sunak from a bilateral event to a low-key coffee meeting. Whatever it was, it didn’t seem terribly important, a little awkward conversation over two flat whites, a chance for Biden to kill some time before his lunchtime speech at the University of Ulster.

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