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(Natural News)
For retired Army Col. John Mills, the plan to arrest former President Donald Trump is an event both created and weaponized by the Deep State.

He shared his thought about the matter during the March 23 episode of “Keep the Republic” on Brighteon.TV hosted by Dr. Daniel Bobinski. Mills pointed out that Manhattan District Attorney (DA) Alvin Bragg is a county prosecutor being willfully weaponized by the Deep State to go after Trump. This, he added, is “unprecedented in American history.”

Mills – former director of cybersecurity policy, strategy and international affairs at the Department of Defense – dubbed the planned Trump arrest as ridiculous. He stressed that people prosecuting the former president will rue the day they went through with this event. Ultimately, Mills described it as smoke and mirrors, mere histrionics and a psy-op designed to distract the American people.

Bobinski agreed, telling his guest that a “weapon of mass distraction” is being deployed. This distraction and misdirection, he added, seeks to divert Americans’ attention away from what is happening with the Biden crime family.

The “Keep the Republic” host also cited that Hungarian globalist billionaire George Soros is funding corrupt county prosecutors, including Bragg himself. Through Soros’ Open Society Foundation (OSF), the globalist has shelled out over $2 million to help people get elected to county prosecutor positions in Virginia. (Related: George Soros exposed as major force behind Trump’s prosecution and imminent arrest.)


Mills urges every American to fight back and get involved

According to Mills, the Deep State has stolen the nation while the American people are busy with other things. Not all hope is lost, however, as the retired colonel called on people to wake up and start fighting back.

Given that the Deep State is deeply rooted, Mills urged Americans to be involved and make a change at the local level. This can be done by spending time holding the government accountable and asking questions about the corruption. Attending county, school board, county council, election board, judges, sheriffs and prosecutors’ meetings also makes a big difference.

Aside from getting involved, Americans also need to be self-motivated to learn new and different things – with the law being a good starting point. Studying and understanding the law along with the Constitution will enable Americans to stand up and assert their rights, Mills explained.

“So get it, do it yourself and read the law. Start asking and go to the school board meeting,” the retired colonel said. According to him, meetings that do not make sense to the average citizen need to be challenged and questioned.

Bobinski mentioned he was shocked to find out that legislators are not required to know the U.S. Constitution. They are likewise not mandated to read, understand and take a test about it. Thus, legislators from the different states and Washington D.C. are passing laws that are unconstitutional – all thanks to this practice.

Follow DeepState.news for more news about the Deep State in America.

Watch the March 23 episode of “Keep the Republic” below. “Keep the Republic” with Dr. Daniel Bobinski airs every Thursday at 4-5 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

More related stories:

Col. John Mills tells Ann Vandersteel: China has a diabolical plan to clone people – Brighteon.TV.

Donald Trump: Remove rogue bureaucrats and root out the Deep State.

America a matrix of racketeering and corruption under Biden and the Democrat crime cabal.

Toni Shuppe tells Dr. Alan Keyes: There is a lot more corruption going on at certain levels of our government – Brighteon.TV.

RIGGED: George Soros funded Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s campaign with $1 million as he pledged to jail Trump.

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