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Event affecting Alior Bank S.A.’s financial results in the second
quarter of 2024 – update

With reference to current report No. 19/2024 of May 8, 2024, the
Management Board of Alior Bank S.A. (the “Bank”) hereby discloses an
update concerning the cost of modification of loan agreements recognized
by the Bank pursuant to the Act of April 12, 2024, amending the Act on
support for borrowers who have taken out a housing loan and are in a
difficult financial situation and the Act on crowdfunding for economic
projects and assistance to borrowers (Journal of Laws of 2024, item 696)
(“Credit Moratoria”).

Due to the slower than originally estimated inflow of applications for
the Credit Moratoria, submitted by the Bank’s customers, as of today,
the estimated cost related to the modification of loan agreements under
the Credit Moratoria is PLN 86 million, therefore the Bank decided to
adjust the recognized cost related to the modification of loan
agreements, about which the Bank informed on May 8, 2024, by PLN 31

The reduction of the Bank’s profit before tax in the second quarter of
2024 due to the Credit Moratoria will amount to PLN 86 million, instead
of the originally reported PLN 117 million.

The above estimate will be subject to periodic verifications, in
particular regarding the assumed level of customer participation, and
its update will be included in the Bank’s current financial results.

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